Mike Emrani LA Personal Injury Attorney

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Find out why so many people injured in an accident refer to Mike at ME Lawyers as 'their personal injury lawyer.'

ME Lawyers is a Los Angeles based personal injury law firm that helps Spanish and English speaking citizens that have been injured in an automobile accident. We compassionately help you to understand the legal system, decode the jargon, and simplify the experience — without leaving you out of the conversation.

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ME Lawyers provide legal representation to international citizens in a multilingual, collaborative environment.

Lawsuit Filed After Woman Struck by Work Van

Since the beginning of 2020, the Covid pandemic has caused changes in many people’s lives. Lockdowns, the need for a mask, social distancing, and working from home have all created interruptions for many people around the world. Though individuals did not just decide to make changes on their own and have followed expert’s advice, lives have been changed and may not go back to the way they were before the pandemic began. For one woman, though, 2020 was different for another reason and has created a lifelong change. It all started when she was hit by a work van while trying to cross the road.

Manu McKinley’s Accident

In May of 2020, Manu McKinley’s life changed forever. Though this was in the middle of the pandemic, the change for her life was due to an accident that nearly took her foot. On May 28th, she entered a crosswalk and was struck by a white work van that was making a righthand turn. McKinley stated she waited for the walk signal before crossing the street, where she was then hit by a van she stated was traveling at a high rate of speed. The van ended up running over her foot, leading to serious injuries.

Vehicle Versus Pedestrian Accidents

Pedestrian versus vehicle accidents are all too common. In 2019, nearly 8,000 people were killed after being struck by a vehicle. Most of the incidents occur in urban settings instead of intersections and when it’s dark, not during the daytime. McKinley’s accident, however, occurred in an intersection at a crosswalk during the daytime. As the pandemic hit, more people started working from home. While this did lead to fewer cars on the road in many areas, essential workers were still driving, as were anyone else who needed to go shopping, go to work, or run other errands. There were still many people on the road and deaths due to pedestrian versus vehicle accidents increased from the prior year, despite fewer vehicles being driven...

Lawsuit Filed After Woman Struck by Work Van | Melawyers.com

March 29, 2022

During the 18 months after the second hospital stay, the lawyers from Emrani Lawyers of Los Angeles helped her get a hotel room so she wouldn’t sleep on the streets, gave her rides to any doctors appointments to take proper care of her foot as she recovered, and helped her find permanent housing. They did fly her to Tennessee, where she was able to reconnect with a sister she hadn’t seen in 20 years.

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Details According to Collision Report

According to the driver of the van, however, she ran into the intersection and intentionally stuck out her foot to make sure it would be run over as he was making his turn. His story is noted in the official collision report. The driver, Pishgram Daghestany, worked for an HVAC company, BH Mechanical, at the time of the incident. He did state that he knew he ran over her foot after feeling the van rise. As a result, he pulled over to the side of the road.

A pedestrian waiting at the corner stated he entered the crosswalk as well and saw the van hit McKinley. The pedestrian provided officers on the scene with his version of what happened and how the accident occurred. According to the police report, the accident was a result of Daghestany failing to yield to the right of way for McKinley in the crosswalk. The report also noted that he was not under the influence at the time of the accident.

Right of Way for Crosswalks

In Oceanside, where the accident occurred, pedestrians do have the right of way in crosswalks. Regardless of whether the crosswalk is marked, vehicles must stop to make sure the pedestrian can safely cross the street. Vehicles must exercise caution around all crosswalks, stopping for any pedestrians who are already in the crosswalk or are ready to cross, whether or not there are lights or a signal. In McKinley’s case, the crosswalk was marked and she waited for the signal to indicate that it was her turn to cross the street. She had the right of way and should have been able to safely cross the crosswalk, as the work van should have stopped for any pedestrians crossing the road.

Injuries Sustained After Accident

McKinley ended up with abrasions on her right foot and elbow. The police report stated that her injuries were minor. Her foot was wrapped, and she was able to leave the hospital. At the time, she was homeless, so lawyers believe she was sent away just to get her out of the hospital at that time.

Homelessness in Oceanside

In Oceanside, where McKinley lived, there are many homeless people and few shelters available. In 2018, the city declared a homeless crisis as a way to approve emergency action to help the homeless population. This allows for temporary winter shelters to be set up as well as other measures intended to help anyone who is homeless in the area. However, there is still a large population of homeless residents in the city, which means that those like McKinley live on the street, sleeping on sidewalks, instead of having a safe place to live. McKinley is only one of the hundreds of homeless people within the city, who can be at a higher risk for being in accidents due to the amount of time they spend walking along the streets.

Severe Infection From Abrasion

In the weeks after the accident, her injury became severely infected. She was found two weeks later with far more serious injuries, including gangrene due to the abrasions being infected. McKinley then returned to the hospital and was told her foot needed to be amputated. At this point, she pleaded for help and doctors ended up performing a skin graft. This was able to remove the infection, saving her foot so it did not need to be amputated. At this point, McKinley reached out for legal assistance.

Gangrene is a type of infection that leads to the death of the infected body tissue. This can be caused by both circulation issues and bacterial infections. In McKinley’s situation, the infection became worse until it caused gangrene. This type of infection can be treated in the early stages, but it can spread rapidly and if it spreads to the bloodstream can lead to death. Since McKinley was sent away from the hospital after being bandaged for her injuries and was homeless at the time, she could not properly care for the infection. As a result, it turned into gangrene and could have led to the amputation of her foot or worse.

Help After the Accident

During the 18 months after the second hospital stay, the lawyers from Emrani Lawyers of Los Angeles helped her get a hotel room so she wouldn’t sleep on the streets, gave her rides to any doctors appointments to take proper care of her foot as she recovered, and helped her find permanent housing. They did fly her to Tennessee, where she was able to reconnect with a sister she hadn’t seen in 20 years.

Recently, she was able to obtain a home in Carlsbad. The Emrani Law Firm is helping her fill the home with furniture so she has a comfortable place to live. Though she is not homeless anymore, her injury is still severe. Right now, she has complex regional pain syndrome, which is incurable and can develop in an area of the body after injuries, surgeries, heart attacks, or strokes. According to her lawyer, McKinley is still having trouble walking and must use a walking stick to get around.

What is CRPS?

CRPS (complex regional pain syndrome) typically impacts arms or legs and can develop after a variety of medical issues, including injuries. Though the original injury may not have been severe, the pain for CRPS can be, and treatment isn’t possible in all cases. Symptoms for CRPS can vary from person to person and can change over time. If the affected limb becomes cold or pale, it is likely the situation is irreversible. CRPS can spread from the original limb, as well, leading to more pain in the future.

Lawsuit for Compensation

The Emrani Law Firm filed a lawsuit against BH Mechanical to obtain compensation for their client. They are seeking $10 million in compensation, including $600,000 just for medical expenses. The case is set to end up in a trial, which is slated to begin in January 2022. According to her lawyer, McKinley is going to end up being in pain for the rest of her life due to the accident. The HVAC company has not taken any responsibility for her injuries and lied about how she was injured to avoid blame.

Compensation for accidents like these often leads to high settlements due to the life-changing impact the accident has. In McKinley’s case, she will end up suffering from CRPS for the rest of her life, making it difficult to walk and get around the way she used to and will impact how easy it is for her to live. The compensation requested is intended to cover all expenses related to the accident as well as future medical bills, coverage for pain and suffering, and more to help make her whole again.

Though the pandemic has changed many lives, Manu McKinley’s life is forever altered because of an accident that happened at the height of the pandemic. Because she attempted to cross the road and was hit by a van, she now suffers from permanent pain that has no cure. With the upcoming trial, the hope is that she can receive compensation for the injuries to help her continue to live her life despite the pain.

Lawyers Personal Injury Articles

ME Lawyers provide legal representation to international citizens in a multilingual, collaborative environment.

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ME Lawyers provide legal representation to international citizens in a multilingual, collaborative environment.

We help those in need of legal services understand the legal system, demystify the jargon and simplify the experience without leaving you out of the conversation. Our team knows security, safety, and enthusiastic support are important to you - and we’re passionate about working together to achieve the best results.

Nobody likes a sleazy attorney, especially during daunting legal disputes. At ME Lawyers, we understand you as a client, we’re regular people just like you, so there’s no disconnect. We clearly express our legal offering, simplifying the legal process to save you time and money.

Our goal is to provide you with an extraordinary experience and leave you awestruck. This is driven by our deep-seated passion for the industry and burning desire to achieve exceptional outcomes for you and our community. We accomplish this by providing you with an easygoing, premium experience where we walk you through the legal processes, beginning to end, so you can rest assured with peace of mind.

We understand the legal jargon, so you don’t have to. We give you clarity to complex situations by simplifying the lawyer lingo to ease your stress associated with complicated legal disputes. By the end of it, everyone will be on the same page.

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California Personal Injury Attorneys ME Lawyers is an LA-based law firm that provides legal representation to Spanish-speaking and English-speaking citizens in a multilingual, collaborative environment to help those in need to understand the legal system, decode the jargon, and simplify the experience — without leaving you out of the conversation.
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Me lawyers helped me on my accident case. They were very prompt and professional, always kept me in the loop throughout the whole process. I've recommended them to all my family & friends.

Jose G.

I recently was referred to ME lawyers by my sibling, and I could not have asked for a better lawyer, I've done this in the past and had really bad experience but with ME lawyers they are sufficient and work pretty fast on a daily basis. Did not think I was going to walk out with anything but they ended up giving me a great settlement! Would definitely recommend to my family and friends.

Cassie V.

I recommend ME lawyers all the way! I interviewed different firms and they were the most helpful. They were upfront, honest and helped me get the best settlement. Thank you ME lawyers!

Christina R.

Me lawyers were outstanding and exceeded my expectations!! My family and I had a horrible experience with a driver with no insurance and they were able to help us solve our case . I am so grateful for your passion and dedication towards my case ! 100% recommend .

Wendy R.

Firm was very detailed, thorough and also efficient when it came to handling my case. Made me feel confident and reassured through the entire process. Very professional and would definitely recommend to anyone looking for a great firm to represent them.

Jerry L.

I endorse this lawyer. Mr. Emrani is a highly intelligent, sharp, charismatic, creative and passionate advocate for victims hurt by no fault of their own. He is well versed in oral argument and law and motion practice and rest assured, if he's representing you, you're in good hands.

Rudyard Jewell-Cohen
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about our law firm

Lawyers serves you with outstanding affordable service.

Our firm was born because I was fed up with law firms in LA not sincerely serving our citizens and community. We wish to rectify the title of lawyers whose reputation has been tainted with dishonesty painted by bad apple lawyers. How? By serving you and your community with outstanding service at an affordable rate.


ME Journey began in 2019. Our firm was born because I was fed up with law firms in LA not sincerely serving our citizens and community. We wish to rectify the title of lawyers whose reputation has been tainted with dishonesty painted by bad Apple lawyers. How? By serving you and your community with outstanding service at an affordable rate. Our firm serves as a safe haven where you can be comfortable talking about your case over a cup of coffee.


ME Lawyers provide legal representation to international citizens in a multilingual, collaborative environment. We help those in need of legal services understand the legal system, demystify the jargon and simplify the experience without leaving you out of the conversation. Our team knows security, safety, and enthusiastic support are important to you - and we’re passionate about working together to achieve the best results.


Hey! Mike here. ME Lawyers was founded by me, Michael Emrani (M.E. – makes sense now, right?) Coming from a family of immigrants, I saw firsthand that hard work and integrity are cornerstones of success. It's with this foundation I approach our clients and cases. Working among other lawyers and law firms, I knew I could provide a better experience and deliver on my promise of "no more crooked, corporate lawyers" who try to pinch every penny possible from your pocket.

ME Lawyers in Los Angeles

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